Monday, July 12, 2010

Wicked Cards Part III: Things That Make Me Happy

The back story here is that I went to the PO today to send the last four of the group break packages, two that were overweight (damn you 13 oz rule!) and two going up to Canada. I ate my lunch in 10 minutes and headed out of the office only to arrive in line behind someone trying to mail a BIKE. While the good folks at the PO moved heaven and earth to accommodate this request the time went by and, wouldn't you know it, 40 minutes were gone, I had to get back to work, and the packages were STILL unmailed. I'm going BEFORE work tomorrow, bikes be damned.

Anyway, I wanted to get into some things from the mail that made my day, focusing first on more cards from Wicked Ortega. That way I can get over someone trying to mail a BIKE and forget about the PO trying to HELP them. On to the cards!
This is the 206 mini from 2003. I had the regular but NOT this one, which I'd wanted for a while. Good stuff and it came in the mail, so mail's not all bad. And CC's got this "wtf?!" face that sums up watching someone mailing a bicycle. 

This is another great card, a wacky die-cut number. Can't figure out what's going on here, though. I 'm guessing he's making a turn at 3rd. He looks like he's stepping on a base with his left foot, looking back at the action before proceeding, getting ready to turn it up.
This card needs to explanation. Other than the spring training unis this is just pure awesome, from the fans to the ump to the 3rd baseman. 

And finally, a UD jersey /99:

In sum, great cards that came in the mail to make me forget about the mail (if that makes sense). Thanks again Wicked! I'm getting it together to get you back.

Have a good one everybody and goodnight Pumpsie Green, wherever you are!


  1. The other day I was in line at the PO behind a guy trying to mail an entire chocolate cake. He had it in the wide open, just sitting it on a plastic platter. He sets it on the the counter and asks how much to ship it. It took the man about 10 minutes to get it through his head this cake was not going to me mailed. You can't make this stuff up....

  2. I hate getting behind the guy trying to mail out all those trade packages.....umm, never mind.
