Sunday, July 4, 2010

5-box: The Hits: Now With Video!

OK folks, first a big thanks to Jim over at DA Card World for helping us out on this one. Even though their price on Ginter did move they honored the price we had worked out. Much appreciated and many thanks!

I've got the videos queuing up on compa's computer, but I don't want to keep anyone waiting. Videos will be up ASAP so without any further ado....


Here are the videos
Box #1; last packs
Box #2; last packs
Box #3
Box #4
Box #5

On to the relics:
The black border minis:

And the autos:
The three (?!?) random autos go to the following people, as determined by the random sheet typed up below.

Kennelley: Pads (Rod)
Kulik: Yanks (Sooz)
Teasley: Cards (Ike)

As you will see on the video these cards were placed in the random box in the order they were pulled, they are random cards 15, 57, and 115, respectively. I'll have my review up tomorrow. Hope to have everything packed up and to start shipping out on Wednesday.

Have a good one everybody and good night Pumpsie Green, wherever you are!

PS: If anyone doesn't want your Negro League Stars I'll gladly take them off your hands. I'll be doing the ttm thing with them again this year!
 1. Kennelly---Angels
2. Dilophsaurus---Sawx
3. Wawra---Piartes
4. Gatto---d-backs
5. Diplodocus---tigers
6. Newton----mets 
7. Jacoby---a’s
8. Nemo---Indian
9. Jenkins----astros
10. Italian wolf---nats
11. Philbin---rays
12. Hoard and rory----brewers
13. Falcon----o’s
14. Hansen----jays
15. Kennelly auto (5/10)---Pads
16. Area 51-----rangers
17. Scott----braves
18. Bradt---reds
19. Teasley---Mariners
20. Atlas---White Sox
21. Knapp---phillies
22. Condor----giants
23. Stewart---twins
24. Athena----dodgers
25. Pittman---cards
26. Coronado---cubs
27. Verne---yanks
28. Machiavelli---Marlins
29. Supersaurus---rockies
30. Francis-----royals
31. White-tailed deer---Angels
32. Johnson---sawx
33. Laipply---pirates
34. Platos---d-backs
35. Pipeline box topper---tigers
36. Knapp---mets
37. Carcharodontosaurus---A’s
38. King tut---Indians
39. Nemo----Astros
40. Cronos---Nat’s
41. Jenkins---rays
42. Wawra----brewers
43. Gatto----O’s
44. Lucy---jays
45. Newton----pads
46. Dalmation---rangers
47. Teasley---braves
48. Hoard and rory-----reds
49. Cervantes----mariners
50. Hansen---white sox
51. Area 51----phillies
52. Guttenberg---giants
53. Scott----twins
54. Apollo----dodgers
55. Bradt----cardinals
56. Bulldog---cubs
57. Kelly kulik auto---Yanks
58. Philbin---marlins
59. Raleigh---rockies
60. Stewart---royals
61. Pittman----angels
62. Ankylosaurus----sox
63. Cougar---pirates
64. Verne---d-backs
65. Machiavelli----tigers
66. Jacoby---Mets
67. Sanders---A’s
68. Hawk----Indians
69. Florine--stros
70. Johnson---nats
71. Duckett----Rays
72. Bunyan---Brewers
73. Philbin---O’s
74. Stewart---jays
75. Gatto---pads
76. Pittman---rangers
77. Verne---braves
78. Prometheus---reds
79. Machiavelli---Mariners
80. Donovan----Whitesox
81. Laipply---phillies
82. Velociraptor---giants
83. Poser----twins
84. Brees----dodgers
85. Bald eagle---cards
86. Sacagawea---cubs
87. Sparks---yanks
88. Keflezighi---marlins
89. Apatosaurus----rockies
90. Strange----royals
91. Kulick---angels
92. Duckett---sawx
93. Francis---pirates
94. Raleigh---d-backs
95. Revolving door---pirates
96. Donovan---mets
97. Hades---A’s
98. Lynx----Indians
99. della vega----stros
100. x-rays----nets
101. blaine----rays
102. bunyan----brewers
103. espn scott----o’s
104. Blackburn---jays
105. Hansen---pads
106. Parthenon----rangers
107. Oitker----braves
108. Pan---reds
109. Kennelly----mariners
110. Panda---whote sox
111. Sanders---phillies
112. Bradt ----giants
113. Galileo----twins
114. Dolphin----dodgers
115. Teasley auto-----cards
116. Hoard and rory---cubs
117. Hudson---yankees
118. Knapp---marlins
119. Area 51----rockies
120. Spinosaurus-----royals
121. Wisent-----angels
122. Gutenberg----sox
123. Leopard---pirates
124. Scott---d-backs
125. Bradt----tigers
126. Teasley---mets
127. Hugo---A’s
128. Wawra---Indians
129. Jenkins---stros
130. Gatto---nats
131. Gaea---rays
132. Lucy---brewers
133. Newton----O’s
134. Jacoby----Jays
135. Keflezighi---pads
136. Nemo----rangers
137. Pentaceratops----braves
138. Presswood---reds
139. Lucy----mariners
140. Newton---white sox
141. Spinosaurus---phillies
142. Jacoby----giants
143. Nemo---twins
144. Jenkins----dodgers
145. Knapp---cards
146. Johnson----cubs
147. Komodo dragon---yanks
148. Laipply---marlins
149. Pittman---rockies
150. Helios----royals
151. Verne---angels
152. Machiavelli----sox
153. Hudson (busted)---pirates
154. Francis---d-backs
155. Florine----tigers
156. Pentaceratops---mets
157. Philbin---a’s
158. Camel---indians
159. Stewart---stros
160. Della vega---nats
161. X-rays---Rays
162. Virgil---Brewers
163. Blaine---O’s
164. Hawk--jays
165. Revolving door---pads
166. African elephant----rangers
167. Donovan----braves
168. Blackburn----reds
169. Eros----mariners
170. Jenkins----white sox


  1. That School Boy Ronny Teasley autograph is AWESOME! So glad he was included. He had a short career, but was a great writer and photographer after pro baseball. Very nice Paul!

  2. Thanks,Paul. If anyone doesn't want their wordsmith card I would take them or trade for them. Thanks

  3. Cool Breaks,

    Got an Auto + the Kubel 10/10, that's sweet.

    Thanks mate.

  4. Great break, thanks for the hard work.

  5. Thanks for the break!

    As a former archaeologist I think it is very appropriate that I got the Lucy card but am a little bit disappointed that there is no Turkana Boy in the set.

  6. Thanks again for the comprehensive break, mna.

    PLEASE TRADE WITH ME Anything alive, folks...I am eager to complete the set(s)
    please contact me peterson238 in yahooland.
